

unstable since: 3.0

Declaration [src]

gimp_checks_get_colors (
  GimpCheckType type,
  GeglColor** color1,
  GeglColor** color2

Description [src]

Retrieves the colors to use when drawing a checkerboard for a certain GimpCheckType and custom colors. If type is GIMP_CHECK_TYPE_CUSTOM_CHECKS, then color1 and color2 will remain untouched, which means you must initialize them to the values expected for custom checks.

To obtain the user-set colors in Preferences, just call:

GimpRGB color1 = *(gimp_check_custom_color1 ());
GimpRGB color2 = *(gimp_check_custom_color2 ());
gimp_checks_get_colors (gimp_check_type (), &color1, &color2);

Available since: 3.0



Type: GimpCheckType

The checkerboard type.


Type: GeglColor

Current custom color and return location for the first color.

The argument will be modified by the function.
The called function takes ownership of the data, and is responsible for freeing it.

Type: GeglColor

Current custom color and return location for the second color.

The argument will be modified by the function.
The called function takes ownership of the data, and is responsible for freeing it.