How to do a GIMP release

This is the process for maintainers doing a GIMP release.

  1. Create a bug report in Gitlab titled “Release GIMP X.Y.Z” where X.Y.Z is to be replaced with the pending release version.

  2. Prepend the description by notifying all people of interest for a release, copy-pasted from below:

    *Note: CC list of people to notify when preparing a release. If you wish to
    help for further release, e.g. with testing, news writing or other
    contributions, please come forward in comments to be added in the next CC
    * Release manager in charge of this version: <!-- Add your Gitlab handle -->
    * GIMP maintainers: @Jehan @mitch
    * GEGL maintainers: @ok
    * GIMP docs maintainers: @Wormnest @marcoc
    * Core Developers: @Jehan @mitch @ok @Wormnest @cmyk.student @dnovomesky @lb90 @bootchk @nielsdg @programmer_ceds @schumaml
    <!-- Add any relevant developer which made specific patches in the current release cycle. -->
    * Packagers:
        - Windows installer: @jernejs @brunolopesdsilv
        - Microsoft Store: @Jehan @jernejs @brunolopesdsilv
        - macOS DMGs: @lukaso
        - Flatpak: @Jehan @hub @HarryMichal @dnovomesky
    * User testing:
        - Windows: @sevenixvii (also managing testers on Discord) @ShiroYuki_Mot @dnovomesky @Uzugijin @hmartinez82 (Aarch64, MSIX, Windows S mode…)
        - macOS: @Niels @bootchk
        - Flatpak: @dnovomesky @ajonsson
    * News writer: @Jehan
    * Proofreaders: @drc @barefootliam @patdavid
    * Social networks: @patdavid @barefootliam @schumaml @Jehan
    * Various other core team: @akkana @nmat @ellestone
  3. Fill the description with the contents below:

    Copy this contents as report description
    Release check-list:
       - [ ] Prepare a `<release>` tag with `<description>`, [as documented](,
             within `desktop/` for the upcoming version.
       - [ ] [Announce a string freeze on GNOME discourse with the `gimp` and `i18n`
            It serves as an announcement to both developers and translators.
            * the planned release version;
            * the frozen branch name;
            * the expected release date (end of freeze) (plan for a couple of weeks at
              least. No translatable strings must be touched during this time);
            * this bug report URL.
       - [ ] Add the next version milestone on [GIMP's Gitlab]( per
             Start moving features which won't make it in time to the release to this next milestone.
            *Note: we don't close immediately the milestone of the just-released
            version as we may still assign some reports to it, but older
            milestones might be closed (up to what feels the most needed for
            organization of reports).*
       - [ ] Entering source freeze a few days before release, except for obvious bug
             fixes. Ask packagers to make test packages based on current `HEAD` of the
             release branch.
       - [ ] Make sure that changes which deserve some tour get the appropriate "demo"
             attribute in `desktop/` [as
       - [ ] Verify with babl and GEGL maintainer(s) if new versions are required for
             GIMP release.
       - [ ] Verify dependencies if needed and sync with packagers to make sure the
             latest babl and GEGL released versions in particular are used. The latest
             babl and GEGL tag can be determined this way:
             # dep can be 'babl' or 'gegl'
             tag=$(git ls-remote --tags --exit-code --refs "$repo" | grep -oi "$1_[0-9]*_[0-9]*_[0-9]*" | sort --version-sort | tail -1)
       - [ ] Packagers should post links to test packages in comments:
            ⚠️  We remind that these are unstable builds and even for packages
            which usually come with auto-updates (such as Windows MSIX or Linux
            Flatpak), it isn't the case here. Therefore after thorough testing
            and commenting, we highly recommend not to forget to uninstall the
            test package. ⚠️
            - [ ] Windows installer:
            - [ ] Windows .msixbundle (install `pseudo-gimp.pfx` as a CA trusted certificate; password: "eek"; uninstall the cert with Windows Certificate Manager after testing):
            - [ ] macOS DMG for Intel:
            - [ ] macOS DMG for Silicon:
            - [ ] Flatpak (run with `flatpak run org.gimp.GIMP//test` after install):
       - [ ] Testers: please test the above packages and comment. ⬆️
       - [ ] Until the date specified in the announcement, get bug fixes applied which
             don't modify strings. Re-do the above 2 steps as many times as needed.
       - [ ] Check that you have working SSH access to `` and that you
             are a member of the `gimpftpadmin` group. If not, ask Michael Natterer,
             Michael Schumacher or Jehan for assistance.
       - [ ] Check that `` has enough space to upload the release and
             to place it into the download area. If not, make place or ask Michael
             Natterer, Michael Schumacher or Jehan to do that.
       - [ ] Check that you have admin access to [`gimp` module on Gitlab](
             and commit access to the [`gimp-web` module](,
             or that someone can do the changes for you.
       - [ ] Check if the following files need to be updated and commit changes:
            - [ ] `NEWS`
            - [ ] `authors.xml` (and the generated `AUTHORS`)
            - [ ] `README`
            - [ ] ``
       - [ ] Did you update the splash image yet? Every point release (even micro one)
             must have a new splash. Development releases don't require a splash screen
             update. See the [requirements](
             for the new image.
       - [ ] Verify that our `` depends on stable `babl` and `GEGL`
             versions, then sync up with their maintainers for new releases if needed.
       - [ ] If ever the actual release date evolved and is different from the
             planned date, update the `"date"` in the `<release>` tag of the appdata in
       - [ ] Check our Continuous Integration builds: all jobs must be successful
             because we should not release with code known not to build in some conditions.
            The following procedure simulates a release:
            - [ ] [Create a pipeline]([CI_COMMIT_TAG]=1):
                  choose the **branch** we plan to release and add the variable
                  `CI_COMMIT_TAG` to any value (it will simulate a build with a tag,
                  which is characteristical of a release).
            - [ ] The following jobs should be triggered:
                 | Stage: prepare   | Stage: dependencies | Stage: gimp     | Stage: distribution   |
                 | ---------------- | ------------------- | --------------- | --------------------- |
                 | image-debian-x64 | deps-debian-x64     | gimp-debian-x64 | sources-debian        |
                 |                  |                     |                 | dev-docs              |
                 |                  | deps-win-a64        | gimp-win-a64    | dist-installer-weekly |
                 |                  | deps-win-x64        | gimp-win-x64    | dist-store-weekly     |
                 |                  | deps-win-x86        | gimp-win-x86    |                       |
            - [ ] Check in particular:
                 * the job `dist-installer-weekly` should contain a working Inno
                   Windows installer and 2 checksum files;
                 * the job `dist-store-weekly` should contain a working .msixbundle
                   for testing so a working .msixupload too and 2 checksum files;
                 * the job `sources-debian` should contain a tar.xz tarball and 2
                   checksum files.
                 * the job `dev-docs` should contain 3 tar.xz tarballs (one for GIMP,
                   one for GEGL and one for babl docs) and 2 checksum files per
            If these steps work fine, we are ready to tag and publish.
            *Note: the test build will likely take up to 1 hour, especially
            because of the Windows installer step. And of course, if you ever
            discover any build or run into issues, the time will be multiplied.
            It is advised to take this in consideration. This test step should
            be run well in advance, even the day before.*
       - [ ] Bump the version number in `` to the release version.
             Releases always have an **even micro version**.
       - [ ] Bump or reset `gimp_interface_age` in `` according to
             [libtool instructions](
       - [ ] Commit the version bumps only and push. Since there was no code change
             since the last CI check, the CI should build fine once again. Make sure of
       - [ ] Tag the release and push the tag:
              git tag -s GIMP_2_x_y
              git push origin GIMP_2_x_y
            All release tags are signed in order for the authenticity and
            origin of the release to be publicly verified.
       - [ ] Gitlab will run a new CI pipeline specifically for the tag.
             Once it is done, you will find a tarball, a Windows installer,
             a .msixupload, SHA256 and SHA512 checksum files on the artifacts of
             `sources-debian`, `dist-installer-weekly` and `dist-store-weekly`.
            Direct links, for instance for the `GIMP_2_99_6` tag, would be:
       - [ ] Packagers should post links to release candidate packages in comments:
            - [ ] Windows installer:
            - [ ] Windows .msixbundle:
            - [ ] macOS DMG for Intel:
            - [ ] macOS DMG for Silicon:
            - [ ] Flatpak:
       - [ ] Testers: please test the above packages and comment. ⬆️
       - [ ] Windows packager: sign the Windows installer if all looks fine and send
             the link as comment.
       - [ ] Merge the flatpak release merge request;
       - [ ] Publish dist tarballs and binaries:
            - [ ] Make sure that the script `tools/downloads/` in the
                  `gimp-web` repository has not been tampered with by running a `git
                  log`. This file should only ever be modified by maintainers with
                  access to `` only.
            - [ ] Make a dry run of `tools/downloads/` and look at the
                  output carefully, making sure nothing will break. The option `-h`
                  will tell you about options.
            - [ ] Now run `tools/downloads/` passing in the released
                  version, then follow the instructions.
            - [ ] Once the script ends, double check that everything looks fine on the
                  download server:
            - [ ] The script will also tell you how to modify
                  `content/gimp_versions.json` (under "STABLE" for stable releases or
                  "DEVELOPMENT" for dev releases). You may tweak details if needed
                  (such as the main release date which may have been a bit earlier,
                  etc. Use the tagging date).
       - [ ] For releases: [create a new submission on the Microsoft Partner
             so that "GIMP" or "GIMP (Preview)" becomes updated after certification.
       - [ ] Bump the version number in ``.
             Except on the release commit, git code always have an **odd micro version**.
       - [ ] Bump `gimp_interface_age` in ``.
       - [ ] Commit the version bumps only and push.
       - [ ] Checkout the `testing` branch of the 'gimp-web' module:
            - [ ] Create a news items for the release in `content/news/` and commit it.
            - [ ] Run `ninja` in GIMP repository. This will generate
                  the file ``. Move it to `./content/about/` on
                  the 'gimp-web' module and commit it.
            - [ ] Commit and push the changes to the `testing` branch, the web
                  server should then update itself soon.
            - [ ] Go to to verify the changes.
            - [ ] Proofreaders should validate the news.
            - [ ] Do not merge to `master` branch yet. We usually wait for a few
                  packages to be available (often at least the Flatpak and
                  Windows installer) and published to the download server when
       - [ ] Update the developer website to make sure the API docs is fine.
           - [ ] Verify the [testing developer website](
           - [ ] In particular, you might want to check that [babl, GEGL and GIMP API references]( were updated.
           - [ ] If needed, make the necessary fixes on [`gimp-web-devel` repository](,
                 branch `testing`. You may force an update of the testing website by
                 creating a [pipeline]([TRIGGER_JOB]=aarch64-testing_developer)
                 for branch `oscp` with variable `TRIGGER_JOB = aarch64-testing_developer`.
           - [ ] If the `testing` branch is fine, merge it into the `master` branch and
           - [ ] In order not to wait for the daily developer website update, force an
                 update by creating a [pipeline]([TRIGGER_JOB]=aarch64-developer)
                 for branch `oscp` with variable `TRIGGER_JOB = aarch64-developer`
       - [ ] Add a [new Gitlab release](,
             linking the recently pushed git tag (`GIMP_X_Y_Z`), the related milestone,
             the news on `` website and each package (source tarball,
             installers, docs tarball…).
       - [ ] Announce the release on and send release announcements:
            - [ ] Check out the gimp-web `master` branch and `merge` the
                  `origin/testing` branch.
            - [ ] Push the changes, the web server should update itself soon.
            - [ ] Verify the changes on
            - [ ] Announce on:
                 - [ ] Mastodon
                 - [ ] Twitter
                 - [ ] Facebook
                 - [ ] The discourse thread created in the beginning.

  4. This is a check-list for doing a GIMP release, in markdown syntax. You should check each step in Gitlab as you, packagers or testers make them happen.

  5. Once it’s all checked, close the report. Release is done. Enjoy!