Obtaining source code

GIMP source code lives in the GNOME git server as repositories and on GIMP download server as tarballs.

Source from git

For most people, we recommend cloning the repos with git distributed version control tool. For more information on how to install and how to use it, we advise the very good online documentation; to read our brief tutorial about the basis, go here.

The main GIMP repositories are:

Module Description
babl Pixel format conversion library
gegl Generic Graphical Library
gimp GIMP and the standard set of plug-ins
gimp-data GIMP Data files (NOT related with gimp-data-extras)

If you wish to help with core development, you should clone at least babl, gegl and gimp repositories (gimp-data needs to be cloned as a submodule inside gimp).

Source from tarballs

GIMP also provides release archives (tarballs). They can be useful when building stable releases.

Other sources

We have other GIMP related repositories:

Module Description
gimp-test-images Image files used for plug-ins testing on CI
gimp-data-extras GIMP old Data files such as brushes, gradients, patterns and the like; outdated plug-ins are sometimes moved there as well
gimp-perl GIMP Perl bindings and a bunch of nice gimp-perl scripts
gimp-tiny-fu GIMP Tiny-Fu, a drop-in replacement for Script-Fu

Our websites also have git repositories:

Module Description
gimp-help GIMP User Manual, available at docs.gimp.org
gimp-web The GIMP web site, available at www.gimp.org
gimp-web-devel The source of the pages you are reading right now
gimp-extensions-web The potential successor of GIMP Registry. If you wish to contribute, would be cool to try the Internship

Finally, our teams have repositories:

Team Description
Design team The various design team repos
GIMP Committee The GIMP team that decides the use of funds

The following repositories are archived (development stopped and the repository is read-only):

Module Description
gimp-ci GIMP old CI system based on Jenkins, superseded by GitLab CI
gimp-gap GIMP Animation Package, a set of plug-ins that provide video editing functionality
gimp-plugin-template GIMP Plug-In Template, a starting ground for plug-in developers, currently in need of updating with regards to the use of GEGL
gimp-plugins-unstable GIMP plug-ins from the past, a collection of unstable and unmaintained plug-ins
gimp-ruby GIMP Ruby-based scripting plug-in