GIMP Palette Format Version 2 (.gpl)

GIMP Palette files are purely textual, with line-feed (0x0A) separated lines.

  • Mime Type: application/x-gimp-palette
  • Common extension: .gpl
  1. The first line of the file MUST be GIMP Palette (magic number).
  2. If the second line starts with the prefix “Name: ”, the rest of the line MUST be in UTF-8. This will be the palette name (start and end spaces will be stripped).
  3. Optional: if the next line starts with the prefix “Columns: ”, it must be followed by an integer between 0 and 255. This number will specify the number of columns to display the palette on. A value of 0 means that the number of columns will be variable, hence the display will be flowing with the interface size.

Alternatively, if the second line doesn’t starts with “Name: ”, this file will be considered in the old format and the palette contents will start from this second line. In this old format variant, the file basename (after UTF-8 conversion) will be used as palette name and there will be no “Columns” value (i.e. that 0 is assumed).

We number the new version 2, even though the format was never formally versionned until 2023 (as far as we know).


Each successive line after the header will be either:

  • a comment if the line starts with # (the rest of the line will be ignored);
  • a totally empty line (not even spaces) which will be ignored;
  • a color description.

Color description lines have the following format:

r g b any color name you want

r, g, and b are integers and their values must be between 0 and 255.

Any string after the 3 integers, up until the end of the line (apart from start and end spaces which are stripped) will be considered the color name. The color name is optional, i.e. that a color description line may only contain r g b. The color name string MUST be in UTF-8.

The 3 integers represent respectively the red, green and blue component in the sRGB color space. As a consequence, up to version 2, GPL has the following limitations:

  • it only supports RGB color model;
  • it only supports sRGB color space;
  • bit depth is 8 bits per components only;
  • alpha component (transparency) is not supported;
  • colors are bounded (to sRGB).