Python Plug-Ins

[Theory] Introduction

Both our libgimp and libgimpui libraries are introspected thanks to the GObject-Introspection project. It means that the Python API is actually nearly exactly the same as the C library, except it follows Python language idiosyncrasies.

For instance, the signature of gimp_layer_get_blend_space() in C is:

GimpLayerColorSpace gimp_layer_get_blend_space (GimpLayer* layer);

Here it is in Python:

In [2]: Gimp.Layer.get_blend_space.__doc__
Out[2]: 'get_blend_space(self) -> Gimp.LayerColorSpace'

Now where it gets interesting is when you have several return values. In C, this would be implemented as pointers to values. In Python, we can actually have several return values. Therefore while gimp_drawable_get_offsets()’s signature looks like this in C (with 3 return values: a boolean success and 2 integer offsets):

gboolean gimp_drawable_get_offsets (GimpDrawable *drawable,
                                    gint         *offset_x,
                                    gint         *offset_y);

This is in Python:

In [3]: Gimp.Drawable.get_offsets.__doc__
Out[3]: 'get_offsets(self) -> bool, offset_x:int, offset_y:int'

It typically means that if you had a GimpDrawable variable named drawable, you’d call:

success, x_offset, y_offset = drawable.get_offsets()

Notice also how we don’t call Gimp.Drawable.get_offsets(drawable) but drawable.get_offsets(), i.e. that get_offsets() is really a method to the drawable object (of type Gimp.Drawable). This makes for a very Python-style interface!

Not only this, it is also full-featured. Only very few libgimp or libgimpui functions are not available in bindings, and only because this is not supported by GObject-Introspection. For instance the varargs functions (variable-length arguments à-la printf) don’t have a Python version. Instead though, non-varargs versions always exist so that bindings can still do absolutely everything which the C API can do.

This all makes the C API reference very usable even to develop Python plug-ins. Nevertheless if you would prefer a reference specifically dedicated to the Python binding, there exists some third-party documentation:

[Theory] What about Other Bindings?

This tutorial will only propose a Python 3 version, but we theoretically support all languages bindable with GObject-Introspection.

Additionally to Python 3, we also have demo code for:

They all implement the same as this C demo plug-in.

Note however that we have memory issues with the Lua binding (which is why we disable it by default) and that the Javascript binding is not currently enabled on Windows because packaging an interpreter turned out to be quite a challenge. As for the Vala binding, as far as we know, it works well, except that the generated code outputs many annoying warnings. Moreover it is a compiled language and we believe that most people doing plug-ins are more interested into interpreted script languages for quicker development.

This is why we are mostly focusing on the Python 3 API only for now.

[Code] Reimplementing Hello World in Python 3

I am going to assume you read at least the [Theory] sections of the previous tutorials and will reimplement the whole demo plug-in we made in C at once in Python 3. Here is what it would look like:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import gi
gi.require_version('Gimp', '3.0')
from gi.repository import Gimp
gi.require_version('GimpUi', '3.0')
from gi.repository import GimpUi
from gi.repository import GObject
from gi.repository import GLib
from gi.repository import Gtk
import sys

plug_in_proc   = "plug-in-zemarmot-py3-demo-hello-world"
plug_in_binary = "py3-hello-world"

def hello_world_run(procedure, run_mode, image, drawables, config, data):
  if len(drawables) > 1:
    return procedure.new_return_values (Gimp.PDBStatusType.CALLING_ERROR,
                                        GLib.Error(f"Procedure '{plug_in_proc}' works with zero or one layer."))
  elif len(drawables) == 1:
    if not isinstance(drawables[0], Gimp.Layer):
      return procedure.new_return_values (Gimp.PDBStatusType.CALLING_ERROR,
                                          GLib.Error(f"Procedure '{plug_in_proc}' works with layers only."))

    parent   = drawables[0].get_parent ()
    position = image.get_item_position (drawables[0])

  if run_mode == Gimp.RunMode.INTERACTIVE:

    dialog =, config, "Hello World")
    box = dialog.fill_box("size-box", ["font-size", "font-unit"])
    box.set_orientation (Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL)
    dialog.fill_frame("size-frame", "compute-size", True, "size-box")
    dialog.fill(["text", "font", "size-frame"])
    if not
      return procedure.new_return_values(Gimp.PDBStatusType.CANCEL, None)

  text         = config.get_property('text')
  font         = config.get_property('font')
  compute_size = config.get_property('compute-size')
  size         = config.get_property('font-size')
  unit         = config.get_property('font-unit')

  text_layer = (image, text, font, size, unit)
  image.insert_layer (text_layer, parent, position)
  if compute_size:
    image_width = image.get_width()
    layer_width = text_layer.get_width()

    size = size * (image_width - 1) / layer_width
    text_layer.set_font_size(size, Gimp.Unit.pixel())

    while size > 1:
      layer_width = text_layer.get_width()

      if layer_width < image_width:

      size -= 1
      text_layer.set_font_size(size, Gimp.Unit.pixel())


  return procedure.new_return_values(Gimp.PDBStatusType.SUCCESS, None)

class HelloWorld (Gimp.PlugIn):
  def do_query_procedures(self):
    return [ plug_in_proc ]

  def do_create_procedure(self, name):
    procedure = None

    if name == plug_in_proc:
      procedure =, name,
                                          hello_world_run, None)
      procedure.set_sensitivity_mask (Gimp.ProcedureSensitivityMask.DRAWABLE |
      procedure.set_menu_label("_Python 3 Hello World")
      procedure.set_attribution("Jehan", "Jehan, ZeMarmot project", "2025")
      procedure.add_menu_path ("<Image>/Hell_o Worlds")
      procedure.set_documentation ("Official Hello World Tutorial in Python 3",
                                   "Some longer text to explain about this procedure. " + \
                                   "This is mostly for other developers calling this procedure.",

      procedure.add_string_argument  ("text", "Text", None, "Hello World!",
      procedure.add_font_argument    ("font", "Font", None, False, None, True,
      procedure.add_boolean_argument ("compute-size", "Compute Ideal Size",
                                      "This option will compute a font size " + \
                                      "so that the text optimally fills the whole canvas",
                                      False, GObject.ParamFlags.READWRITE)
      procedure.add_int_argument     ("font-size", "Font Size", None,
                                      1, 1000, 20, GObject.ParamFlags.READWRITE)
      procedure.add_unit_argument    ("font-unit", "Font Unit", None,
                                      True, False, Gimp.Unit.pixel(),

    return procedure

Gimp.main(HelloWorld.__gtype__, sys.argv)

[Theory] Studying the Python Hello World

Interpreter and Encoding

The first lines are very standard:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

We start our script with a shebang so that your OS kernel (or through cross-platform rules) finds the interpreter. In fact GIMP has its own infrastructure and may also override the interpreter in some cases. As a general rule, just always set your standard shebang line.

The second line is quite a standard encoding declaration. Though it is not mandatory, it is quite a good practice, especially as various GLib or libgimp functions expects input to be proper UTF-8.


In place of including libgimp and libgimpui, you import the 2 modules, respectively named Gimp and GimpUi from the gi module. Even though we only have a ‘3.0’ version right now, you should always set the version.

A few more modules are needed because we will use explicit API from these: GObject, GLib, Gtk also from gi and the sys module from standard library.

import gi
gi.require_version('Gimp', '3.0')
from gi.repository import Gimp
gi.require_version('GimpUi', '3.0')
from gi.repository import GimpUi
gi.require_version('Gegl', '0.4')
from gi.repository import GObject
from gi.repository import GLib
from gi.repository import Gtk
import sys

Subclassing in Python

Now same as in C, we create the HelloWorld class as a subclass of Gimp.PlugIn, except it uses Python subclassing. You will note also that all the abstract methods which you are expected to implement are prefixed by do_. Apart from this, it works pretty much the same:

class HelloWorld (Gimp.PlugIn):
  def do_query_procedures(self):
    return [ plug_in_proc ]

  def do_create_procedure(self, name):
    procedure = None

    if name == plug_in_proc:
      procedure =, name,
                                          hello_world_run, None)
      procedure.set_sensitivity_mask (Gimp.ProcedureSensitivityMask.DRAWABLE |
      procedure.set_menu_label("_Python 3 Hello World")
      procedure.set_attribution("Jehan", "Jehan, ZeMarmot project", "2025")
      procedure.add_menu_path ("<Image>/Hell_o Worlds")
      procedure.set_documentation ("Official Hello World Tutorial in Python 3",
                                   "Some longer text to explain about this procedure. " + \
                                   "This is mostly for other developers calling this procedure.",

      procedure.add_string_argument  ("text", "Text", None, "Hello World!",
      procedure.add_font_argument    ("font", "Font", None, False, None, True,
      procedure.add_boolean_argument ("compute-size", "Compute Ideal Size",
                                      "This option will compute a font size " + \
                                      "so that the text optimally fills the whole canvas",
                                      False, GObject.ParamFlags.READWRITE)
      procedure.add_int_argument     ("font-size", "Font Size", None,
                                      1, 1000, 20, GObject.ParamFlags.READWRITE)
      procedure.add_unit_argument    ("font-unit", "Font Unit", None,
                                      True, False, Gimp.Unit.pixel(),

    return procedure

Reimplementing the Core Processing

The hello_world_run() function is also quite similar, except that it uses Python idiosyncrasies:

  • drawables is a standard Python list of Gimp.Drawable objects.
  • Its length can therefore be verified with the generic len() function.
  • C NULL is replaced by Python None.
  • Checking for real type of an object in python works well with isinstance() (all the GIMP_IS_ macros from C don’t exist in Python).

You will also notice that the various config properties must be requested one by one with config.get_property(). This is because of what I was saying in the introduction about variable-length arguments functions which are among the few cases of non-bindable API.

The Gimp.main() function

Finally the Python plug-in ends with a call to Gimp.main(). As explained in the C basic tutorial, the GIMP_MAIN macro is C-only. You must pass the GType of your custom Gimp.PlugIn class as first parameter, which in Python is the __gtype__ argument of the class name. The second argument is the list of arguments passed to this executable, which is why we also imported sys:

Gimp.main(HelloWorld.__gtype__, sys.argv)

Apart from this, the whole code is pretty similar in C and Python. It is also a lot shorter because most of the C boilerplate code doesn’t exist in the Python 3 version.

[Theory] File Architecture

First of all, installing any plug-in is identical in GIMP, which means you must create a folder in your plug-ins/ directory and put your Python file in this folder with the same name (only adding the .py extension).

For instance, if you write your code in a file named, install it in a directory named py3-hello-world/.

Then make sure your script file is executable, in the case where you are on a platform where this matters (which is probably any OS but Windows):

chmod u+x

Now if you restart GIMP, it should pick up your plug-in.

Calling a PDB Procedure in Python

Calling a PDB procedure from a Python (or other bindings) plug-ins is slightly longer than in C, again for the same reason of non-bindable functions with variable-length arguments. This makes gimp_procedure_run() not bindable, and instead replaced by gimp_procedure_run_config() which is renamed to in Python.

Furthermore, since we cannot use g_object_set() in Python (still for the same reason), we must set properties with multiple commands. Nevertheless it stays quite simple to call a PDB procedure. And the equivalent to the C code is:

  procedure = Gimp.get_pdb().lookup_procedure('plug-in-zemarmot-c-demo-hello-world')
  config    = procedure.create_config()
  config.set_property('run-mode', Gimp.RunMode.NONINTERACTIVE)
  config.set_property('image', image)
  config.set_property('text', 'Hello Universe!')
  config.set_property('compute-size', True)
  result =

  if result.index(0) is Gimp.PDBStatusType.SUCCESS:
    # Do something in case of success!

If anyone has a very keen eye for details, you may have noted that I called “plug-in-zemarmot-c-demo-hello-world” which is the procedure name for the C Hello World. I did this on purpose to really make clear that PDB procedures are absolutely language-agnostic.

You may call a C plug-in procedure from a Python plug-in, a Python plug-in procedure from a C plug-in, and obviously a Python procedure from a Python plug-in or a C procedure from a C plug-in. You can further mix by calling Javascript plug-in procedures, Lua, Script-Fu… anything! It simply doesn’t matter. Once a procedure has been registered in the Procedural DataBase, it is a neutral interface with a name and various arguments. That’s all!


And that’s about it. If you followed the C tutorial first, the Python tutorial should be pretty straightforward as all the concepts are the same. The Gimp and GimpUi modules are nearly a perfect mapping of the C libraries.

You will also notice how there is absolutely no styling difference with Python plug-ins in the graphical interface and how no features are missing. Basically from the point of view of people using your plug-ins, it makes not a single difference in which language the plug-in is made. They can’t even know (apart by checking the code, of course).