

unstable since: 3.0

Declaration [src]

gimp_thumbnail_procedure_new (
  GimpPlugIn* plug_in,
  const gchar* name,
  GimpPDBProcType proc_type,
  GimpRunThumbnailFunc run_func,
  gpointer run_data,
  GDestroyNotify run_data_destroy

Description [src]

Creates a new thumbnail procedure named name which will call run_func when invoked.

See gimp_procedure_new() for information about proc_type.

GimpThumbnailProcedure is a GimpProcedure subclass that makes it easier to write file thumbnail procedures.

It automatically adds the standard

(GFile, size)

arguments and the standard

(GimpImage, image-width, image-height, GimpImageType, num-layers)

return value of a thumbnail procedure. It is possible to add additional arguments.

When invoked via gimp_procedure_run(), it unpacks these standard arguments and calls run_func which is a GimpRunThumbnailFunc. The “args” GimpValueArray of GimpRunThumbnailFunc only contains additionally added arguments.

GimpRunThumbnailFunc must gimp_value_array_truncate() the returned GimpValueArray to the number of return values it actually uses.

Available since: 3.0



Type: GimpPlugIn

A GimpPlugIn.

The data is owned by the caller of the function.

Type: const gchar*

The new procedure’s name.

The data is owned by the caller of the function.
The value is a NUL terminated UTF-8 string.

Type: GimpPDBProcType

The new procedure’s GimpPDBProcType.


Type: GimpRunThumbnailFunc

The run function for the new procedure.


Type: gpointer

User data passed to run_func.

The argument can be NULL.
The data is owned by the caller of the function.

Type: GDestroyNotify

Free function for run_data, or NULL.

The argument can be NULL.

Return value

Type: GimpProcedure

A new GimpProcedure.

The caller of the function takes ownership of the data, and is responsible for freeing it.