


interface Gimp.ConfigInterface : GObject.Object
No description available.


In order to implement ConfigInterface, your type must inherit fromGObject.



Creates a search path as it is used in the gimprc file. The path returned by gimp_config_build_data_path() includes a directory below the user’s gimp directory and one in the system-wide data directory.

since: 2.4


Creates a search path as it is used in the gimprc file. The path returned by gimp_config_build_plug_in_path() includes a directory below the user’s gimp directory and one in the system-wide plug-in directory.

since: 2.4


Creates a search path as it is used in the gimprc file. The path returned by gimp_config_build_system_path() is just the read-only parts of the search path constructed by gimp_config_build_plug_in_path().

since: 2.10.6


Creates a search path as it is used in the gimprc file. The path returned by gimp_config_build_writable_path() is just the writable parts of the search path constructed by gimp_config_build_data_path().

since: 2.4

No description available.

since: 2.4


Sets value to new GStrv. Scans i.e. consumes serialization to fill the GStrv.

unstable since: 3.0


Compares all properties of a and b that have all flags set. If flags is 0, all properties are compared.

since: 2.4


This function is never called directly. Use GIMP_CONFIG_ERROR() instead.

since: 2.4


Creates an exact copy of pspec, with all its properties, returns NULL if pspec is of an unknown type that can’t be duplicated.

unstable since: 3.0


Resets all writable properties of object to the default values as defined in their GParamSpec. Properties marked as “construct-only” are not touched.

since: 2.4


Resets the property named property_name to its default value. The property must be writable and must not be marked as “construct-only”.

since: 2.4


Appends a string repr of the GStrv value of GValue to str. Repr is an integer literal greater than or equal to zero, followed by a possibly empty sequence of quoted and escaped string literals.

unstable since: 3.0


This utility function appends a string representation of GValue to str.

since: 2.4


Escapes and quotes val and appends it to string. The escape algorithm is different from the one used by g_strescape() since it leaves non-ASCII characters intact and thus preserves UTF-8 strings. Only control characters and quotes are being escaped.

since: 2.4


Compares all read- and write-able properties from src and dest that have all flags set. Differing values are then copied from src to dest. If flags is 0, all differing read/write properties.

since: 2.4


This function is a fancy wrapper around g_type_register_static(). It creates a new object type as subclass of parent_type, installs pspecs on it and makes the new type implement the GimpConfig interface.

unstable since: 3.0